We decided to do a dessert shower, because really, what is better than devouring as many sweets as possible? Plus, I got to lick all of the bowls clean...mmm...
I had fun baking all these yummy treats, and some of my favorites are the key lime tarts, chocolate covered strawberries, and the double chocolate mocha brownie trifle, which is what I had for lunch and dinner :)
The baby fence! Laura takes adorable pictures each week with a fruit/vegetable that is the size of her baby at the time!

Everything turned out great, with only one exception. I found this great recipe online for "Lucky Duck Punch" and was so excited to try it out. It was supposed to be blue with vanilla ice cream scoops on top, looking like clouds. However, neither Kroger nor (is it or or nor? It's been so long) Publix had the white cranberry juice it called for, so mom and I decided pineapple juice would be a yummy alternative. When I made the punch on Saturday, it was a beautiful baby blue color just like it should be, but I still had to add the pineapple juice. We figured the light yellow color of the juice wouldn't alter the blue too much, but it definitely turned the punch Nickelodeon-slime green, which does NOT look appetizing. Anyways, I made my back-up punch that is easy and quick but still decided to put the cute rubber duckies in it to keep its name, "Lucky Duck Punch." However, the ducks were not so lucky.
Some alternative names we came up with were Lame Duck Punch and Dead Duck Punch. Seriously, who makes rubber duckies that don't float upright!? Isn't that their sole purpose!?
Other than that, the shower was great and Laura got some adorable things for baby Grayson! I made this sign for the little guy, and I am now craft-crazed.
I finally thought of a career for myself.....a professional shower-thrower! I LOVE throwing showers, and I know there are probably some people who don't, so I figured those people could hire me to throw showers for them. I know, it's brilliant (I wish it was possible!)
After everyone left and we got everything cleaned up, I found this on the dining room table.
How freaking cute is my cat!!!! This is one of my favorite things he does. A little background info about the magnificent Mr. Pepper: I got the little baby at the beginning of my sophomore year of college. He lived with me that year, and we had a blast. Here is Pep all dressed up as a little bumblebee. I don't think it was Halloween. I just like to dress him up. Yes, I am one of those people who enjoys clothing animals.

At the end of the year, I threw Pep a 1st Birthday Party! This occurred 2 months after Doug and I met and started dating, and it surprisingly didn't scare him off! He was such a trooper, and even wore a party hat :)
Here is the birthday boy (I love this picture!)

And the proud great-grandparents
The excited first-time grandparents!
Me and my 1 year old!
A glimpse into our future...what a happy little family now :)
We even had presents and cake. Well, cake for the people, cat/dog food for the pets. It was a feast.
He was exhausted after opening all of his gifts!
The whole gang!
Sadly, I had to leave him at my parents' house for the next 2 years because my roommate, Lesley Anne, was allergic to cats. However, having LA as a roommate made up for the time apart from my kitty :)
So I haven't had Pep living with me, besides when I am home, until now. After the shower, we decided to do a trial run with Pep and take him to Covington for a few days. It is SO fun having him with me finally and it's hilarious to watch Pepper follow Doug around all the time. I am taking him back to Marietta tomorrow, and we will bring him back with us after we go to Hilton Head next week. Which reminds me, mom and I are going to see ECLIPSE tomorrow night at midnight!!!!!

Yes, I am a Twi-Hard. I was talking to my hairdresser about it. We agreed that we are not hardcore hardcore, just hardcore. We don't wear the shirts or have the posters on our walls, but we are clearly obsessed and aren't afraid to admit it. Although if Twilight had come out when I was in middle school or probably even high school, I would have the posters in my room and would be wearing an Edward shirt to the midnight showing tomorrow. Also, I read "The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner" yesterday, which is from the perspective of one of the newborns in Eclipse. It was awesome.

One more thing then I'll end this ridiculously long post. My wife haircut! I got sidebangs and am very happy to have less hair. It isn't as short as I was planning, but I like it! I'll probably go a little shorter next time.

Can someone please tell me there is an easier way to add pictures? It's taking forever to add them in and move them to the right place. They always appear at the top then I have to drag them down little by little. Help?