Wednesday, January 5


Before I get to the hilarious/awful story about "The Fire"....

My first day on the job was great! I was constantly surprised at just how nice every person is there. I really enjoyed it, and I can't wait until I really learn how to do everything and get into a routine. Plus, it was someone's birthday today and we got to have cake. Delicious cake. The perfect 1st day!

I am trying hard to not let myself get stressed. It took me almost 2 hours to get home, and I was exhausted, so I changed into my PJs and plopped down on the couch...and I haven't been able to make myself get up yet. There are so many things I need to do like take down Christmas decorations and starting packing, and my mental list only gets longer everyday. It's also a crazy week for Doug at work, so we might not move as much this weekend as we hoped! But at least I only have to do this long commute for 2 more days!

Okay, now "The Fire"

Doug was tired and stressed last night after he got home from work, so I forced him to take a bubble bath. I have been telling him for years that it is the most relaxing thing you can do, and I decided that is exactly what he needed last night! So I pulled out all of tricks- bubbles, bath salts, candles, and Norah Jones.

I was in another room cleaning when I heard Doug scream,

I see Pep run past me with wide eyes, and Doug tells me what happened. Pep came in to see Doug, Doug reached out to pet Pepper, and Pep's tail caught fire from the candle on the toilet. Pep has a very fluffy tail, and it was ablaze. But when Doug screamed, it scared Pep, he ran, and the fire went out.

I checked his tail and it only burned half way down the hair, so it never touched his skin, THANK GOODNESS!! After we realized he was okay, we couldn't stop laughing. My poor little baby!


  1. This is hilarious and awful at the same time! LOL!!!! Poor Pepper! Glad he was okay!!!

    ~Romantic Savy

  2. Awwww! Poor Pep! I'm glad that Pep ran fast and put out the fire - and that the tail didn't catch anything on fire! Glad ya'll and the kitten are okay. :)

    Also, congrats on making it through your first day!

  3. Glad Pepper was injured. And that is so funny

  4. That is funny, but could've NOT been funny!! So glad Pepper is OK :-) And SO happy you love your new job!!

  5. This story made me laugh out loud before reading it to my boyfriend. I'm so glad Pepper is okay and you could laugh about it!

    Also, I'm enjoying reading your blog and gave you an award I go. Not sure if you do the awards, but I thought it was fun. The link below tells you what to do :)

  6. HAHAHAHAHA! OH MY GOODNESS! I cannot believe that! That's certainly not something that happens everyday...I'm so glad he was okay, but wow...what a story.


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