Thursday, January 13

Reading List 2011

I have always loved reading, but I have usually limited my reading to summers when I didn't have school work to worry about. See, my problem is that I can never put a book down. I will stay up all night to finish a book, and I just completely z o n e  o u t  from reality. It drives Doug a little crazy and it would mess with my motivation to do school work. But this year, I am trying to change that! I have so many books piled up that I can't wait to read, and I need to make a few adjustments to my usual reading routine to do so.

At my new job, I have had a lot of time to read. I have been getting there pretty early to avoid traffic, so I have about an hour there. Then I read for an hour at lunch. And sometimes during the day if it's slow. Because I have to break it up like this, it's forcing me to PUT THE BOOK DOWN! So here's my list for 2011:

(I love it so far!)

(The 4th book of the quartet...I've loved them all!)


(Just in time for the movie...Reese Witherspoon + Robert Pattinson...yes please!)



(Saw the movie and loved it)


(One of my favorites...I haven't read it in a few years)





Oh, and I read House Rules a couple months ago and absolutely LOVED it. Such a great book!
Have y'all read any of these? Any other suggestions?


  1. Awesome picks! A few of those are on my list too! Good luck with one book a month. I wish I could commit and tell myself I could do 12 in a year! You go girl!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Julie- I absolutely LOVE reading your blog, I added it to the list of my favorite blogs on my blog. Hope you don't mind :) I read The Help, by far one of the best books I have ever read. Hope you are doing well!


  4. New Years gets me thinking about reading more as well. These are some great picks! Redeeming Love is one of my favorites of all time. And my mom just let me borrow The Help - which she said is really good.

  5. Hey Julie!

    I saw you posted about your blog on facebook and I love it! Hopefully it will inspire me to use my blog more often when I have the time. I recommend you read the Emily Giffin books since you are into weddings :) start with "Something Borrowed." I just finished it. It's definitely hard to put down and now half way through the second book "Something Blue." Hope you're doing well!


  6. You should read some of the other Francine Rivers books; none can touch Redeeming Love but still are fantastic reads!

  7. The Help and The Shack are both awesome...two of my favorites!

  8. great list! you & i have a lot in common :)

  9. I am a Jodi Picoult fan too! As well as a John Grisham fan, I just finished reading his latest The Confession. The Confession was a page turner that I couldn't put down and highly recommend.
    After looking at several bloggers reading list I too am adding Water for Elephants to my reading list.

  10. I loved the Bride Quartet and The Help!!

    I am in the middle of Water for Elephants right now, sooo good!

  11. I really want to read Water For Elephants before I see the movie. Love the two staring actors of course!!

    I have heard a lot about the Shack.. comp. forgot about it until now.. adding it to my nook wish list!

  12. I really want to read the Nora Roberts books! I have one of them on my kindle! :) Erin

    Love your blog! I am following you!


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