Monday, January 10


Atlanta is covered in snow! Again! I love the names that people are calling it: Snowmaggedon, Snowpocalypse... I love snow, and Doug just doesn't understand my giddy-ness about it. I rarely had snow days growing up. Our county was the least likely to cancel school, so snow days are a big deal around here. Last night, Doug and I went to Kroger to stock up on groceries since we left most of them in Covington, and it was a zoo in there! There were 2 gallons of milk left, and all of the eggs were gone. It was hilarious.

I built us a fire and plan to have several cups of hot chocolate today :)

I LOVE our new fireplace screen! We weren't going to get one, but the first thing Pep did when he got here was climb into the fireplace. So we ran off to Target and got this beauty! We have to keep our highly flammable cat away from fire :)

Our new backyard- I just got this bistro set off Craigslist and I am in love! (It has another chair but it's cut out of the picture)

Pep loves the snow just as much as I do :) He has been here all night.

This weekend was part of the big move to Decatur. Our amazing parents helped us pack up all of our stuff and move it to the new apartment. My parents came on Saturday, and Doug's came on Sunday. If it weren't for them, it would have taken us at least a week to do all of this. So, THANK YOU parents!!! :) Now, our apartment looks like this:

Boxes EVERYWHERE! But luckily, Doug and I are snowed in today (and maybe tomorrow?) so we should be able to get most of this put away! We have to finish by Friday, because the movers are moving all of our furniture in on Saturday. I'm just amazed that we were able to get all of our stuff here so quickly. We have awesome parents.

I hope everyone in the area is enjoying their snow day! Hopefully I'll have pictures up next week of our completed home!


  1. I love the snow, too! ...but it does get old here in Ohio. We are getting another 2-4 inches tonight. I am soo excited for you and your new place! It is SO cute and I love that fireplace. It's definitely a good idea to have that gate...haha! Poor Pep! Thank you so much for the writing suggestion! I can't wait to check it out. You're awesome!

  2. You sure have a way to keep busy during your snow days. I am getting bored at this point in the day but roads are clear enough in Memphis to head to work tomorrow.

  3. I'm so jealous of your fireplace! It looks so cozy and inviting!

  4. Your new home looks beautiful! Wish we had snow like that!!!

    You should enter my new challenge!


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