I couldn't help myself with that "most dramatic title in blogging history." :)
I really shouldn't have waited so long to write this, because the details are quickly escaping me! But I made some notes while I watched so here are some of my thoughts about the Women Tell All taping plus some comments that didn't air.
-One girl that really surprised me was Selma. I felt like every time she made a comment, everyone in the audience was nodding along with her. She was unexpectedly wise and was spot on with everything she said. My favorite quote was to Tierra- "you've got to hide your crazy!" Loved her.
-Lesley made a funny comment that I wish they had shown. While Tierra was saying that she really wasn't an outcast in the house, Lesley said to her "Tierra, you were more of an outcast than Andre 3000!" Love my fellow UGA girl!
-I think they cut out the segment where the girls talked about Tierra's fall (I can't remember if they showed it!) But Sarah said that she was the only one who saw it, and it did actually happen. Tierra fell down the stairs, but everyone agreed that she definitely milked it for all it was worth afterwards to get more time with Sean.
-I couldn't stop laughing at Katie (the yoga instructor with curly hair) because she could not have looked more miserable to be there. She didn't say a word, and at one point I was wondering if she had fallen asleep!
-We sat next to Chris Harrison's assistant's sister and her husband, and I really loved getting to talk with them! They said he is such a nice guy, and the husband was actually wearing one of Chris's old shirts. Apparently they wear the same size so he gets all of his super expensive hand-me-downs. I just thought that was funny!
-The best part of the show was definitely when Tierra was in the hot seat. I loved watching the girls' faces while Tierra talked, because they basically rolled their eyes and laughed at her the whole time.
Best picture ever. |
-The funniest part of the show was when Tierra told Chris Harrison that she wasn't really a fan of the show. He quickly came back with "And you wonder why people don't like you! You say that to me, on my show..."
-Tierra was super sketchy about her engagement. She wouldn't give any details and will not share his name! Makes me wonder...
-Several of the girls cried when Sarah was talking. You could tell how much everyone loved her, and each other in general. They all seemed like such good friends, which doesn't surprise me because I think it was the nicest group of girls I've seen on the show! Robyn described it perfectly- she said that Sean is a classy guy with strong values, so they casted a group of really classy girls (for the most part :)
-As y'all could probably guess, AshLee was the one who I didn't like after seeing her at the WTA. During this season, I liked her but found her a little too serious and emotional. But after everything she did and said at the WTA, I am not a fan! Her frat boy comment about Sean really rubbed me the wrong way, and then to see her go on and on with her accusation...I was just so surprised by her actions! So so glad she isn't the next Bachelorette.
Dang, she looks angry. |
-And this comment surprised me the most. Chris Harrison told Sean and Desiree that in the history of the show, there had only been 2 times where he felt that the lead may have sent the wrong person home. And he felt that way when Sean sent Des home. Des was by far my favorite this season, so I definitely agreed with him. But, after seeing last night's finale, I'm loving Sean and Catherine together.
Okay, now a few thoughts on the finale!
-I think I speak for everyone, everywhere when I say how wonderful Sean's family is, especially his dad. Oh my goodness, that man made me cry. They seem to be such a loving and close knit family, and I only wish their segment had lasted longer! If case y'all don't know, Sean's sister Shay has
a blog...I've been following her since Sean was on The Bachelorette, and she provides some fun insight into being the Bachelor's sister! Plus she has the cutest kids ever, so go check it out if you haven't yet!
-I felt SO bad for Lindsay but was so impressed with how well she handled it. She is such a classy girl, and I loved it when she took off her heels...as a shoe wimp myself, I would have done the exact same thing :)
-All season, I just wasn't seeing the connection between Sean and Catherine (I read the spoilers before the season started so I knew she was the one). But I must admit, they were pretty adorable together in the finale. Sean is by far my favorite bachelor yet, and I really hope it works out for them!
-Des is the new Bachelorette. YAY! I have a feeling this will be my favorite season yet :)
What did you think of the finale? Are you excited Des is the next Bachelorette?
I just think this is too cute not to share...Sean loves boxers, too :) |