Wednesday, May 29

Our Week in Paradise

Doug and I just got back from an incredible week in Mexico. We went to the same place where we honeymooned- Excellence Playa Mujeres, and it was every bit as good as it was last time! Our days were filled with laying by the pool, playing volleyball and poker, and drinking lots of margaritas. It is an all-inclusive resort, so you can have as much food and drinks as you want! So we took full advantage :) We met some awesome people and had one of the most fun weeks of our lives!

I thought about splitting this up into 2 or 3 posts, but decided it would be easier to have all of the pictures in the same place. So, get ready for a photo overload (40+! Eeek!)

One new thing from last time- we found all of these bottles in our room and we thought for sure we'd have to pay to use them. But nope, we asked and it was included! We were excited, but turned out we barely drank any! I preferred the delicious drinks that the bartender at the pool made :)

First time wearing shorts in 3 years! Woo hoo!

View from lunch

New friends Elizabeth and Kyle

View from our balcony

Breakfast on the patio and my first Eggs Benedict. Yum.

Celebrating our 3rd anniversary!

My favorite time of day- POKER!!!

We did karaoke one night and had the best time. Doug and I sang "Gettin' Jiggy With It," the boys sang Backstreet Boys, and the girls sang Britney...I got pretty into it ;)

My new sweet friend, Briton!

The karaoke gang. I love how all of the boys look like's called sunscreen, guys!

Our friend Adrian!
Adrian, the entertainment director, is our favorite person there. We had to recreate this picture from 3 years ago! We sent him the first one after our honeymoon, and he still had it in his office :)

Our balcony

Funny story- as I was taking this picture, I was ATTACKED BY A CROW. Seriously. He swooped down and pecked me really hard on the head. I think he was going for my bobby pin? 

This is where you can get an oceanside couples massage...we got one on our honeymoon and it was incredible!

Our jacuzzi that opens up to the balcony

The Michael Jackson show cannot be missed! 

It may have been the most fun week of our lives, and we hope to make this a regular thing! See ya in 3 years, Cancun!


  1. We went to the excellence resort in the DR on our honeymoon in March! Excellence REALLY knows how to perfect a vacation, don't they!? I'm dying to go back or to visit one of the other locations! Where you guys went looks so awesome!!

  2. Looks amazing!!!! What a great trip! Wow. You look GREAT! Good work lady!!

  3. You look so beautiful, Julie!! Love all your cute outfits :) Glad you and Doug had so much fun. I have to get there one day!

  4. Adorable! It looks like you had a wonderful time, and you look totally gorgeous in each and every photo :)

  5. What a fabulous trip for you guys!!! So happy you had a great time!!!

  6. Ok I'm calling it, Kyle and I are crashing your vacation and going with you when you go back in 3 years! This place looks awesome! And you look so cute in each and every picture. You are going to have to teach me your hairstyling ways!

  7. Wow. I'm really and truly impressed with this trip. The resort looks really nice, and it's making me want to consider going here for our anniversary. Do they have excursion type activities that you could do as well? How was the food? So fun! Thanks for sharing.

  8. this looks beautiful! i love all the palapa style huts

  9. These pics are beautiful! The Excellence Playa Mujeres is a resort I found a few years ago and I'm still in love with it! Maybe we can visit there in a few gorgeous!

  10. I want to go to there!

    Seriously, how gorgeous is that place??? I am DYING for one of those balcony lounge chairs. And you look stunning! I love all of your outfits, too - especially that skirt!

    Looks like you had such a blast! Welcome home!

  11. Wow! I LOVE this!!!! Gorgeous photos---I'd love to go there! :)

  12. Beautiful photos! Great outfits!

  13. Love the orange maxi dress. Mind sharing where it is from?

  14. Ahhhhh! What an amazing week!!! You look so stinking cute in every single picture! I'm crazy about your skirt, necklace and belt (okay so the whole outfit) in that last picture! Too cute! So glad you guys had a great time, Julie!!


  15. I love your style, your dresses and outfits are just to die for!


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